- Fear of failure and entrepreneurial intentions in the same chart as different axes
- Bubble area according to additional population data (since the GEM data is based at the individual level, not firm level)
- Color coded by GEM's classification (Factor-driven economy: RED, Efficiency-driven economy: BLUE, Innovation-driven economy: YELLOW)
So, if one were to draw a linear regression line through the whole data set, then Australia would probably be middle of the road for the overall data. If you look at only the yellow bubbles (innovation-driven economies), then Australia tends to be towards the upper right, i.e., greater intentions to start (not bad), but higher fear of failure (not good). Does that mean that relative to the other innovation-driven economies, Australia is a country of "intentrepreneurs" or "wantrepreneurs"?
Blog posts coming up:
- Winners of the Peter Farrell Cup
- UNSW vs Australia in graduate exit surveys: Who is creating jobs (not just filling them)?
Don't forget, tonight (Wed 2 Nov) is our semi-annual Meet the Entrepreneur event, co-sponsored by E&Y. This event's theme will be State of Play - What are the myths and realities about the VC industry in Australia, how does it compare to the rest of the world, and does the quality of entrepreneurship and innovation in Australia "stack up"?
We are pleased to confirm Ernst & Young and RosesOnly as sponsors of the CIE. We would like to thank the Farrell Family Foundation and Gary Zamel for their generous donations. We also acknowlege the continuing support of the Australian School of Business. All of our sponsors help provide the means to host networking events, award prizes, and reimburse our suppliers and service providers. In exchange, these donors receive good karma and public recognition as supporters of innovation and entrepreneurship. To become a sponsor of CIE and support our community engagement activity, please contact us at cie@unsw.edu.au.

Here's a link to an interesting blog post and video clip (book promo) on how the willingness to fail and how survivable failure leads to amazing outcomes: http://shanmugan.com/three-things-you-need-to-know-about-failure/#more-2261